Blog: Reccomenedestateagents

Local Estate Agent VS National Estate Agent

Having successfully been chosen as the estate agent to sell for a couple who had not moved from their very large property for 40 years, during our...
How can an estate agent effectively sell your most significant asset if they lac

Some time back, after attending viewings, I felt compelled to address a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of estate agency: The depth of knowledge your...

What Happens on Completion Day?

I read an unbelievable post online this week. A property sale had completed and the agent called to congratulate the client. Their first question to the...

On the Twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,Twelve Drummers Drumming

In this, our final post in our 12 days of Christmas sequence, we’re drumming. Drumming up business that is. If you, or someone you know, are considering...