>Two wooden houses with three stacks of coins

Council tax rebate factsheet from Gov.uk

As part of its targeted response to rising energy bills, the government has introduced a £150 council tax rebate.

1. What is the council tax rebate?

The council tax rebate will provide a payment of £150 to households living in council tax bands A – D. Payments will be made from April 2022 and will not need to be paid back.

2. Will I be eligible for the council tax rebate?

Households are eligible where, on 1 April 2022, they are liable for council tax on a property which is in council tax bands A-D and which they live in as their main home.

3. How can I apply for the council tax rebate?

If you live in an eligible property and you pay your council tax by direct debit, your local council will make the payment directly to your bank account, starting from April 2022. You do not need to do anything in the meantime.

If you do not pay your council tax by direct debit, your local council will contact you from April to arrange a method for paying the rebate. You do not need to do anything in the meantime.

4. How do I know what council tax band I am in?

If you are not sure which council tax band your property is in, you can check by visiting: https://www.gov.uk/council-tax-bands

5. Who is my local council?

If you are not sure who your local council is, you can check by visiting: https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council

6. Should I have received the rebate as a discount on my council tax bill?

The rebate will be provided as a separate payment, rather than as part of your council tax bill.

This allows the support to be provided to households more quickly.

7. Do I have to pay the £150 back?

No. The £150 council tax rebate does not have to be paid back.